Depletion of Technology Metals and its Global Consequences

The microchip crisis has added another layer of complexity to the challenges faced by the metal industry and underscores the critical importance of sustainable practices and global cooperation in ensuring the stability and resilience of our technological future.

From Data to Sustainability: How Digital Solutions are Transforming Manufacturing

Sustainable manufacturing, driven by digital innovations, is reshaping the industrial landscape. Companies worldwide are leveraging smart factories, predictive maintenance, IoT, data analytics, and innovative product design to reduce waste, enhance energy efficiency, and minimize their environmental footprint.

The Plastic Revolution: A History of Convenience and Consequences

Realistically speaking, if humanity is to persist very far into the twenty-first century, we will need the help of sophisticated genetic engineering to deal with the huge piles of plastic trash we keep producing and to avoid regressing to primitive hunter-gatherer societies.

Earth Day: Celebrating the Planet or Capitalizing on a Trend?

Earth Day has become a Hallmark card event, a feel-good day that symbolizes our commitment to the environment but ultimately does little to address the ongoing environmental issues we face. While it’s important to celebrate the planet and raise awareness about environmental issues, we need to move beyond Earth Day to make a real difference.

From Sci-Fi to Reality: The Evolution of 3D Printing and Smart Fabrics

Fashion and technology have been converging in some truly groundbreaking ways. With the rise of 3D printing and the emergence of smart fabrics, designers and brands are pushing the boundaries, creating everything from fantastical, otherworldly designs that seem to defy gravity, to a range of features, from moisture-wicking, and temperature regulation to biometric tracking .
Will 3D printing and smart fabrics become more accessible and affordable and will they become increasingly mainstream?

The Day the World Stopped: Imagining a Future Without The Internet of Things

The world is in a constant state of flux, and the things that we hold dear today may be forgotten and abandoned tomorrow. This is particularly true in the realm of technology, where advancements are made at an astonishing pace, and the latest innovation can quickly become outdated and obsolete in a flash.It’s hard to imagine a world without the internet of things (IoT). We rely so heavily on the technology that surrounds us, from our smartphones and laptops to our smart homes and cars. The impact of losing access IoT would be profound, disrupting not only our personal lives but also the economy and society as a whole.

Creating Change From The Bottom Up

A story of how change that starts from the bottom, driven through action and example while engaging others, results in a solid foundation from which to build. It started with two inmates who joined forces to make a difference in their restrained community and beyond its confines. If what we do is who we are, and our actions define us, these three ex-convicts and their cellmates have shown us that change starts from the bottom up and most importantly from within.

The Winter of Our Discontent

Many of you are probably familiar with Steinbeck’s novel, The Winter of Our Discontent, which essentially means now we are in a period of misery. The combination of extreme heat, fires, droughts, flooding, supply chain, and transportation disruptions, plus the disproportionate price hikes of fuel and electricity means that we will be seeing a lot less food on store shelves this winter. Meanwhile the rich will keep partying and flying around in their private jets just as they did during the Corona Virus Pandemic.

How To Become An Astute Consumer

As much as shopping online has opened us up to a big wild world of endless consumer goods it has also opened up a deep dark vortex where people get sucked into a scrolling stupor. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate and have enjoyed the convenience of online shopping as much as anyone else, especially during the pandemic lockdowns. But there is a downside to all of this.

Confessions Of A Serial Boot Collector

When I was nine years old, in Northern Montreal, I used to take a shortcut through a field to get to school. One winter day, crossing the frozen field, I crashed through the ice. Luckily for me, it was not deep. It was scary and freezing. I managed not to lose my boots which were weighed down with icy water. I walked in those wet soggy boots for the rest of that winter, they never dried up. I told no one, especially not my mother, for she was a very strict and incredibly thrifty woman, perhaps not by choice. Those boots were meant to be worn until I grew out of them. Raising three children on one measly salary, was a feat, requiring sacrifices and creative solutions.