Featured Writing


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by Maddalena Di Gregorio

The Only Way

Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often? “The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way…

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The Blessed Bunker

The day we shut the door on a world gone mad, my mother was eight months pregnant with my brother Luca. Thirty years later, both our parents are gone. Our father left the bunker one day, never to return, our mother fell ill nine months ago and died. We have…

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Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Cloud Computing

The future of cloud computing is exciting, with emerging technologies, hybrid strategies, and sustainability initiatives shaping its evolution. As businesses continue to embrace the cloud, they do so with the understanding that its full potential can only be realized by striking the delicate balance between the rewards it offers and…

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The Longterm Implications of AI: A Philosophical Inquiry

The implications of AI-generated images and deepfakes are vast and complex, even scary, posing ethical, social, and legal challenges that demand careful consideration.

While these technologies have the potential to revolutionize art, entertainment, and communication, they also raise critical questions about truth, trust, and the nature of reality itself.…

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Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast

We’ve all heard those motivational quotes urging us to wake at dawn. Quotes such as, “The early bird gets the worm” or “Wake up early and tackle the day before it tackles you.” I have a far better phrase for you, and it’s from Alice In Wonderland: ” Why sometimes…

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A Taste of Heaven: Val d’Orcia and Pienza

Val d’Orcia and Pienza are a true testament to the beauty and grandeur of Tuscany, offering an idyllic mix of stunning natural landscapes, magnificent architecture, delicious food, and rich traditions. The sheer beauty of the rolling hills, charming small towns, and impressive monuments is unparalleled, and the region’s cultural and…

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The Business of Aging

The world’s most lucrative consumers are aging, and a marketplace, already flooded with anti-aging solutions and magic potions, is finding new angles and creating new trends, for aging women.There’s a visceral reaction to women aging, whether they opt to intervene with surgery or not. It’s catch-22, you’re dammed if you…

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Creating Change From The Bottom Up

A story of how change that starts from the bottom, driven through action and example while engaging others, results in a solid foundation from which to build. It started with two inmates who joined forces to make a difference in their restrained community and beyond its confines. If what we…

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Stop Boring Your Audience

How many laborious and painful presentations have you had to sit through, and how many tiresome presentations have you hosted? No matter how great a speaker you may be, chances are you’ve bored more than your fair share of audiences. Remember that people only retain 20% of what they hear,…

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The Winter of Our Discontent

Many of you are probably familiar with Steinbeck’s novel, The Winter of Our Discontent, which essentially means now we are in a period of misery. The combination of extreme heat, fires, droughts, flooding, supply chain, and transportation disruptions, plus the disproportionate price hikes of fuel and electricity means that we…

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How To Become An Astute Consumer

As much as shopping online has opened us up to a big wild world of endless consumer goods it has also opened up a deep dark vortex where people get sucked into a scrolling stupor. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate and have enjoyed the convenience of online shopping as…

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Coffee Rituals

From stovetop, drips, home espresso machines to Nespresso, the choices are endless when it comes to choosing how we want to engage in this daily ritualistic pleasure. This post is dedicated to stovetop coffee makers. A stovetop Moka, in my opinion, is the best, cheapest and simplest way to really…

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Make It Worth My While

I’m an existing customer and I’m your best customer. Make it worth my while and watch me turn into a loyal customer.

Growing your business should not solely focus on getting new clients. Getting your current customers to appreciate, value, and continue to use your products or services more…

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Can You Trust Your Intuition?

You have no idea how many times you’ve averted danger, simply by listening to your inner voice. When you chose to take an alternate route, leave early or later, or maybe cancel the appointment altogether because you were feeling uneasy about a situation. You might even twist an ankle or…

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Take A Chance On Me

I’ve always lied about my age because I knew it to be an issue right from the start. I used to add 10 years, whereas now I shave them off. Once I was under-qualified, so I padded my CV and now I’m over-qualified, so I trim it down. You’re dammed…

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The Rare Magic Of Colmar

The moment I stepped into the historic center of Colmar I thought I had just gone down the proverbial rabbit hole and landed in a fairytale town, where the buildings, set along the banks of the Ill River, are made of chocolate and cake, slathered in creamy colored frosting, set…

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Certain aspects of life which we took for granted as a necessary evil in pre-pandemic times have been exposed as futile. Startling numbers have left their jobs since the pandemic hit. Forsaking security for new adventures in self-discovery and re-evaluating their lifestyle. Some found better pay, others freedom, and better…

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Inexperience Can Be Expensive

Myths surrounding older workers contribute to the loss of top employees from many organizations. Experienced, older workers possess qualities that most employers struggle to find. I can only speak for myself however I am certain a lot of people over 50 would agree with me when I say, ” I…

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To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

This red arid-looking planet, named after the Roman War God Mars, has been luring mankind since it was first sighted by Galileo Galilei in 1610 and has once again gained notoriety. How feasible is the colonization of Mars? What are the major obstacles aside from water and harsh living conditions?

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Resource-Rich Countries Of The Future

The metal industry may be faced with multiple issues but the path is clear, stakeholders need to be encouraged to commit to waste management, through recovery, recycling, and adhering to the principles of a circular economy. The resource-rich countries of the future will be those that work to overcome the…

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A Daily Dose Of Happiness

Life is made of ups and downs and these don’t come announced or have any particularly recognizable patterns. Life is full of surprises, some better than others. would be wise to get more acquainted with the sources of our unhappiness in order to navigate our way towards happiness.

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