Earth Day: Celebrating the Planet or Capitalizing on a Trend?

Earth Day has become a Hallmark card event, a feel-good day that symbolizes our commitment to the environment but ultimately does little to address the ongoing environmental issues we face. While it’s important to celebrate the planet and raise awareness about environmental issues, we need to move beyond Earth Day to make a real difference.

The Day the World Stopped: Imagining a Future Without The Internet of Things

The world is in a constant state of flux, and the things that we hold dear today may be forgotten and abandoned tomorrow. This is particularly true in the realm of technology, where advancements are made at an astonishing pace, and the latest innovation can quickly become outdated and obsolete in a flash.It’s hard to imagine a world without the internet of things (IoT). We rely so heavily on the technology that surrounds us, from our smartphones and laptops to our smart homes and cars. The impact of losing access IoT would be profound, disrupting not only our personal lives but also the economy and society as a whole.

Creating Change From The Bottom Up

A story of how change that starts from the bottom, driven through action and example while engaging others, results in a solid foundation from which to build. It started with two inmates who joined forces to make a difference in their restrained community and beyond its confines. If what we do is who we are, and our actions define us, these three ex-convicts and their cellmates have shown us that change starts from the bottom up and most importantly from within.

Would You Rather Go To Mars Or Save Earth?

So far, NASA, China and the United Arab Emirates all launched missions to mars in July, 2020. Always follow the money if you want a glimpse of the future. We are living at a time when the new frontiers to fight over are in cyberspace or outer space.