Don’t Rush Your Trip: A European Travel Itinerary for the Mindful Explorer

Are you planning a trip to Europe? Make sure you don’t underestimate the distances and time required to move from one location to another. Don’t turn your vacation into a race as you tick locations off your bucket list, because that would be a real shame.  

Puglia is More Than a Destination: It’s a Feast for the Senses

Puglia is more than a destination, it offers a rejuvenating natural experience that delivers rich emotions, captivates your heart, and ignites all of your senses.

This enchanted land of sun and hospitality, hugged by two spellbinding seas, is a fertile terrain where centuries-old history, customs, breathtaking vistas, and joie de vivre intricately form the fabric of everyday existence.

A Taste of Heaven: Val d’Orcia and Pienza

Val d’Orcia and Pienza are a true testament to the beauty and grandeur of Tuscany, offering an idyllic mix of stunning natural landscapes, magnificent architecture, delicious food, and rich traditions. The sheer beauty of the rolling hills, charming small towns, and impressive monuments is unparalleled, and the region’s cultural and historical significance is a testament to its enduring appeal.

The Winter of Our Discontent

Many of you are probably familiar with Steinbeck’s novel, The Winter of Our Discontent, which essentially means now we are in a period of misery. The combination of extreme heat, fires, droughts, flooding, supply chain, and transportation disruptions, plus the disproportionate price hikes of fuel and electricity means that we will be seeing a lot less food on store shelves this winter. Meanwhile the rich will keep partying and flying around in their private jets just as they did during the Corona Virus Pandemic.

Relocating Can Be A New Lease On Life

In a world where stability, continuity, and connections are valued, those who choose a more nomadic lifestyle, embark on a brave endeavor. However, relocating can give us a new lease on life, providing new stimulus and opportunities for personal growth.