Surviving in an Overcrowded Marketplace: Harnessing the Benefits of SEO Content and Customer Reviews

By leveraging the power of SEO Content and online reviews, you can take your business to the next level and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

The Winter of Our Discontent

Many of you are probably familiar with Steinbeck’s novel, The Winter of Our Discontent, which essentially means now we are in a period of misery. The combination of extreme heat, fires, droughts, flooding, supply chain, and transportation disruptions, plus the disproportionate price hikes of fuel and electricity means that we will be seeing a lot less food on store shelves this winter. Meanwhile the rich will keep partying and flying around in their private jets just as they did during the Corona Virus Pandemic.

Can You Trust Your Intuition?

You have no idea how many times you’ve averted danger, simply by listening to your inner voice. When you chose to take an alternate route, leave early or later, or maybe cancel the appointment altogether because you were feeling uneasy about a situation. You might even twist an ankle or you might miss your flight, along with a variety of apparent mishaps that turn out to be blessings in disguise, so to speak.

Would You Rather Go To Mars Or Save Earth?

So far, NASA, China and the United Arab Emirates all launched missions to mars in July, 2020. Always follow the money if you want a glimpse of the future. We are living at a time when the new frontiers to fight over are in cyberspace or outer space.

Moving Past Fear – A Hero’s Journey

Our already exhausted sense of hope, for a bright future, collided and joined forces with an unannounced invisible enemy. A mysterious, insidious virus which has managed to catapult the entire planet in record time. Leaving us all feeling unprepared for what lies ahead, unleashing widespread panic and aggression in some instances.

We outdid ourselves, emptying shelves of food supplies, not to mention toilet paper and looking for undeserving scapegoats to blame.

How will we fare in this chapter of our story on earth? What sort of legacy are we leaving behind for future generations to discover about us, and how we coped during these challenging times?


We are living through trying times. Faced with an undefined future which transmutes into a menacing cocktail of anxiety, stress and panic. How can we live through and survive the changes which Covid has ushered in?