From Incestuous Relationships to Strategic Alliances: The Evolution of The Rich and Powerful

In a time long ago, the halls of power were filled with whispered rumors of secret marriages and scandalous affairs between family members. The rich and powerful were known to keep their bloodlines pure by marrying within their own kin, all in the name of maintaining their grip on power.Times have changed, and the rules of the game have shifted.Financial resources facilitate their ability to influence public opinion through business ventures and political clout.

Brain Interfaces: Evolutionary Advance Or Decline?

Some would argue that we are not ready for this leap. These developments would greatly increase both the efficiency and power of select individuals and organizations to monitor, regulate and respond. Just as we use tools to shape our world, the tools we use shape us.

Relocating Can Be A New Lease On Life

In a world where stability, continuity, and connections are valued, those who choose a more nomadic lifestyle, embark on a brave endeavor. However, relocating can give us a new lease on life, providing new stimulus and opportunities for personal growth.

Astrology A Tool For Self Evolution

Astrology has been with us for almost 2500 years, dating back to Babylonia. It has been used as a divinatory tool, by educated and powerful men and women, for centuries, including Theodore Roosevelt, Einstein and Carl Jung.

To this day Astrology has maintained its fascination and is considered a viable pseudoscience by many outstanding and high profile contemporaries, from politicians to some of your favorite movie stars.